
22nd(*) International Conference


©Joanna R. Marszewska

  Book of Abstracts


The Editorial Board of DMMS Journal is happy to introduce the "DMMS Lecture".

The first "DMMS Lecture" is "Profitability Assessment" delivered by Prof. Páll Jensson from the Reykjavik University, Iceland. And it is actually a workshop.

The workshop is to be held at the AGH-UST Faculty of Management (building D14) and consists of two parts: part 1 - Dec. 10, 16:45-20:00 classroom 319, part 2 - Dec. 11, 15:00-18:15 classroom 3.7. Classrooms are computer laboratories, so there is no need to bring a laptop with you.

The workshop is open and free, but the number of participants is limited, so registration is needed.

Registration form.

The 22nd(*) International Conference on Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services (DMMS) 2019 will take place in Poland in September 26—29 2019, hosted by the Faculty of Management, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow (Poland).

The objective of the Conference is to gather the entire Decision Making community, including academic and industry researchers and decision makers working at the interface of research and implementation in manufacturing and services. The multidisciplinary program that will include original research results and contributions to such areas as treating the interface between decision sciences, information technology and management science. Papers may address concerns of manufacturing or service firms as well as government or non-profit enterprises, and the full range of manufacturing and service systems is covered. Examples of services considered include transportation, logistics and distribution, telecommunication, tourism, medical services. Organizing and Scientific Committees gladly invite professionals, academics, students and industrialists to send contributing papers to the Conference.

For registration and submission please use Conference application.

Keynote Speakers

  • Eugeniusz Toczyłowski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  • Dmitry Ivanov, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany (cancelled)
  • Burcu Keskin, The University of Alabama, USA (cancelled)
  • Manoj Kumar Tiwari, Indian Institute of Technology, India (cancelled)

(*) The DMMS 2019 is a continuation of "Applications of Systems Theory", a National Symposium organized 20 times since 1979 by AGH University. The Jubilee XX Symposium on "Applications of Systems Theory" was held in Zakopane in 2017 along with DMMS 2017.

Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services

Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services is a peer-reviewed, semiannual journal dedicated to publishing papers of interest to the entire Decision Making community, including academic and industry researchers and decision makers working at the interface of research and implementation in manufacturing and services.